In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren.
Really hoping to start reading all these new books soon. In my last IMM I mentioned that my local shopping centre was having a sale on books (All Books $5 Each). When I went back a few weeks later, the sale was still going, so I picked myself up a few more deals. The first two sounded interesting, and the third was an autographed copy, so I think that's mostly why I bought it :).

Summary (goodreads): What if you had only one day to live? What would you do? Who would you kiss? And how far would you go to save your own life?
Samantha Kingston has it all—looks, popularity, the perfect boyfriend. Friday, February 12th should be just another day in her charmed life. Instead, it’s her last. The catch: Samantha still wakes up the next morning. In fact, she re-lives the last day of her life seven times, until she realizes that by making even the slightest changes, she may hold more power than she had ever imagined.

Summary (goodreads): A feast of romance and laughter featuring a delightful and courageous heroine that you can relate to no matter what your size.
Convinced that her larger size relegates her to wallflower status, Freddie Heinz hides behind the wedding cakes she creates as a professional baker. But life is about to change for Miss Invisible.
First of all, Freddie's found a new friend who encourages her to come out of her shell. Then Hal, the cute veternarian, starts showing interest in the woman behind the delightful cakes. And when Freddie decides to break every rule in the "big girl's" book and find out who she really is, life gets even more exciting--and hilarious.
Cinderella, look out! Miss Invisible is becoming the belle of the ball--and having a ball in the process. Because when you finally find God's call for your life, any size is the right size--and love can see what the rest of the world passes by.

Summary (goodreads): The narrator of Suneeta Peres da Costa's Homework was born with antennae on her head, and no matter what surgery doctors attempt, they keep growing back. One doctor doesn't see much of a problem, though he does admit that Mina Pereira "might be a little sensitive, that's all, there are enough nerve endings in those things for lightning to strike them!" Over time Mina comes to think of them as her "feelers," through which she receives a heightened perception of the emotions flowing through the atmosphere around her. And what a highly charged atmosphere the Pereira house holds: Mina's mother is suffering a breakdown that leads her to become obsessed with birds--to the point of trying to become one. Her father has responded by donning a miner's helmet and retreating into the basement. Meanwhile, Mina's child-genius sister scorns her and her schoolmates consider her a freak of nature.
What did you get in your mailbox this week?

Great set! Before I Fall is so wonderful.
ReplyDeleteMy IMM
You definitely got a great deal on these books.
ReplyDeleteBefore I Fall is excellent.
Happy reading :-D
Oh, Before I Fall! I loved that book - so well-written and thought-provoking. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteReally enjoyed Before I Fall! Miss Invisible sounds cute, I have read a few books recently about bakers/cake decorators...fun!
ReplyDeleteHomework sounds interesting...a little like a David Almond book, maybe. Gotta love sales on books!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog too :-)
I’m hearing good things about Before I Fall, so I’m excited to read it now (even more excited then I was when I found out it was only $3!)
ReplyDeleteAlison- Thanks.
April- Considering most books I purchase cost upwards of $24, when I see books for $5, I’m not going to walk past without taking a look :P.
Sonia- Thank you, and greetings to a fellow Hufflepuff!
Nicole-- Bakers, hmm, that’s interesting. I had to look up who David Almond was, but after getting a general idea of his style, I would possible agree :).. Also, you’re welcome!
I can't wait to read Before I Fall! I've heard such wonderful reviews about it and I just haven't picked it up for some reason. I'm definitely going to now! Great haul this week!
Before I Fall at 5$? Wow, that's a good deal!
ReplyDeleteHappy Reading!
I was reading Before I Fall but I had to take it back to the library, so I need to re-borrow it soon!
ReplyDeleteDo you shop online? Because they sell Wings at Amazon and I'm sure the Book Depository if you can't find it anywhere it stores.
I hope you enjoy your books you got!
Loren- It does sound interesting, I’m excited to read it. I’d love to hear what you think when you read it too.
ReplyDeleteEmilie- It was actually $3, so even better!
Meghan- I should probably start borrowing from the library more too, save myself some money and only buy my favourites.. I don’t like to shop online. I live in Australia, so when I do I try to stick with Australian sites, but that limits me a bit. I should look at the Book Depository, I’ve seen a lot of people buy from them, and they ship worldwide for free. Thanks.
Nice. Some of these are now going in my wishlist pile. Sigh, this is why I never save any money.
Nicole @ All I Read
Nicole- I know just how you feel. I have to resist walking into bookstores because I can guarantee I'll walk out with yet another book :). Thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteGreat bunch of books. I thought Before I Fall was a powerful read. Happy reading :)
ReplyDeleteNic- I like books that make you think about your life and your choices. Glad to hear it’s good :).