“Hello, my name is Alisa, and it has been 10 months since my last blog post.”

You may have noticed, but The Novel Nook and I have been M.I.A for almost a year. Although I wasn’t posting, I have still been doing a lot of reading and rating on Goodreads. I love Goodreads. It has kept me connected with books and other readers, and I feel a sense accomplishment being ahead of my reading challenge schedule, even if I haven’t been as proactive with my blogging.
I feel like I owe you all an apology and an explanation on why I’ve been gone so long. The reasons are fairly simple and non-personal, so I’ll just get to it.
When I first started The Novel Nook, I was in my final year at university. Looking back, probably not the best time to commit myself to a blog, but as with most things, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Unfortunately, I found myself letting my uni work slide, in favour of working on my blog. Then as the year continued, I started my internship at a school, and planning, teaching, and marking became my main priority. Soon graduation followed, as well as the task of applying for an education panel interview and job hunting. These things took up a large part of my time for several months.
Next, things weren't going as smoothly with my family as they had in the past. Sibling ‘disagreements’, work troubles, and ill family members; It all added up and took its toll on me too.
Now, seven months after I’ve graduated, things are looking better all-around for my family, and I think I’m ready to start blogging again. Last time when I began blogging, I feel like I took on too much at once. So this time, I’m giving myself a simple schedule which I feel I can manage along with my other commitments. You, the book bloggers community, are so friendly and accepting, and I hope you’ll join me again in sharing something we all love!
Thank you,
Welcome back! <3